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Showing Tag: ""health insurance"" (Show all posts)

When a Plan with Fewer "Bells & Whistles" Can Actually Lower Your Out-of-pocket Medical Expenses

Posted by Sharon Nuttall on Wednesday, January 18, 2012, In : Choosing a health plan 
A few weeks back we hosted our annual New Year's Day brunch for a few neighbors. The recent experience of one of my neighbors pointed out that even when an employer is picking up most of the tab for your health insurance premium, a pricier plan doesn't always turn out to be the best choice. Here's Joanne's (not her real name) story:

Joanne had opted for what she thought would be the best coverage her employer offered: one with a deductible (for the "big" things) and copays for certain services...
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Individual health insurance has gone green!

Posted by Sharon Nuttall on Wednesday, January 27, 2010, In : Miscellaneous 
It didn't occur to me until just recently (um, like yesterday) that the way I do business nowadays is WAY greener than it used to be. How so, you ask? Well, let me iterate some of the "old" ways:
  1. Everything used to be on paper. Everything! Paper brochures, paper contracts, paper rate sheets, paper marketing materials, and on and on.
  2. All that paper stuff changed constantly and so was delivered to me regularly in (you guessed it) paper envelopes and cardboard boxes.
  3. All that paper and cardboard st...

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