Posted by Sharon Nuttall on Friday, January 8, 2010
Under: HSAs
Bill and I (and many of my clients) have an HSA-qualified high
deductible health plan. The premiums are wonderfully low, but of course
we had to give up a few things to get those low premiums - like office
visit and prescription drug copays. We have found it an excellent
trade-off. (And, by the way, we do have full coverage for our annual
What hadn't occurred to me was how differently doctors tend to practice
medicine when there aren't any copays. A key part of this has been that
we're not bashful about communicating to our doctors the fact that
we'll be paying for this test or that prescription "out of pocket."
I've found that doctors are wonderfully accommodating when I utter that
three-word phrase. Many of them fully understand what I mean when I say
I have an HSA-qualified health plan, and I'm surprised when some say that they have the same
type of plan themselves!
When I ask if the test or prescription is really necessary, I've been
amazed that the doctors are usually quite straightforward, honest and
downright helpful. It's almost as if I've given them permission to
practice medicine the old-fashioned way.
Too often, I think we forget that many doctors are, by nature,
people-pleasers -- which is probably what drew them into one of the
helping professions to begin with. And I think many of them feel that a
patient expects them to do something, even when the best course of action would be to do nothing -- no expensive prescription or fancy test needed. Just a little time!
In : HSAs
hsa healthcare