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Showing category "COBRA" (Show all posts)

The Pink Slip Cometh - What to do about health insurance when you lose your job

Posted by Sharon Nuttall on Tuesday, August 18, 2015, In : COBRA 
No one is ever ready for the day the pink slip arrives. No one. Ever.

No matter how much the handwriting’s been on the wall. Not even if you hate the #@& job and are actually relieved.

I could write a whole post on how to handle a job loss, but there are many far more qualified than I to talk about that, and there’s certainly a ton of information online.

But one aspect I am uniquely qualified to address is the health insurance one.  And this is one decision I urge you NOT to make too hastily...

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How does COBRA fit in with the Affordable Care Act?

Posted by Sharon Nuttall on Monday, January 20, 2014, In : COBRA 
You've left or are leaving your job. You're eligible for COBRA. What do you do next?

I know it sounds self-serving, but I can't overstress this: One of the very first things you should do when leaving a job is talk with a reputable health insurance agent. With the advent of the Affordable Care Act, it has never been more important to know your options in the decision-making process.

Leaving a job that offers health insurance benefits is considered a qualifying life event, triggering a Special E...

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