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Showing category "Affordable Care Act" (Show all posts)

Annual Enrollment Coming Soon!

Posted by Sharon Nuttall on Wednesday, November 12, 2014, In : Affordable Care Act 
The time has almost arrived! If your health insurance plan is going away (several carriers in the Carolinas opted not to extend their transitional, if-you-like-your-plans plans for another two years) or if you just don't like your current coverage for any reason - too expensive, not happy with the company, don't like the benefits, whatever -  your opportunity to make a change is coming up starting on November 15th.

You'll have until December 15th to submit an application for a January 1st star...

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The 10 Essential Health Benefits under the ACA

Posted by Sharon Nuttall on Wednesday, April 23, 2014, In : Affordable Care Act 
In order to meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act, all individual (also called "private") health insurance plans must offer the same set of ten essential health benefits. These are services all plans must cover.

The essential health benefits include at least the following items and services:
  • Ambulatory patient services (outpatient care you get without being admitted to a hospital)
  • Emergency servicesHospitalization (such as surgery)
  • Maternity and newborn care (care before and after your...

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What is a "qualifying life event" and why is it important?

Posted by Sharon Nuttall on Tuesday, April 22, 2014, In : Affordable Care Act 
When I've explained to people that under the Affordable Care Act there will be ONE annual enrollment period for buying or changing individual health insurance, many think that the rest of the year I'll be sitting with my feet propped up on the desk popping bon-bons.

Uh, no. Even if I were so inclined, that's not gonna happen! I will be busy helping people get health insurance all year round because of a phenomenon known as Life Happens. And when "life happens," it often creates eligibility...

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Catastrophic Plans under the ACA

Posted by Sharon Nuttall on Tuesday, February 4, 2014, In : Affordable Care Act 
Over the years I've had many callers tell me they just wanted "catastrophic" health insurance coverage. What they wanted was just a basic plan with little to no bells and whistles with a high deductible.

Well, the Affordable Care Act provides for an actual "Catastrophic" plan. And, yes, that's the name of it with all carriers. Not only that, but, as far as I'm aware, the benefits are exactly the same with all carriers.

However, Catastrophic (with a capital "c") plans are generally open onl...

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