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Browsing Archive: January, 2010

Individual health insurance has gone green!

Posted by Sharon Nuttall on Wednesday, January 27, 2010, In : Miscellaneous 
It didn't occur to me until just recently (um, like yesterday) that the way I do business nowadays is WAY greener than it used to be. How so, you ask? Well, let me iterate some of the "old" ways:
  1. Everything used to be on paper. Everything! Paper brochures, paper contracts, paper rate sheets, paper marketing materials, and on and on.
  2. All that paper stuff changed constantly and so was delivered to me regularly in (you guessed it) paper envelopes and cardboard boxes.
  3. All that paper and cardboard st...

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Is a short-term health plan a good option for you?

Posted by Sharon Nuttall on Tuesday, January 19, 2010, In : Short-term health plans 
A short-term, or temporary, health plan might be just what the doctor ordered for some situations. If you'll have a coverage gap of of just a few month until other coverage (employer-sponsored, Medicare or an individual health plan) is set to begin, it can be the perfect filler.

I usually don't recommend that short-term coverage be used in place of a regular major medical plans because of its limitations. Pre-existing conditions and annual physicals are not covered. However, in those situatio...
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Do your health insurance premiums make sense?

Posted by Sharon Nuttall on Tuesday, January 12, 2010, In : Premiums 
Everybody complains about them but most don't do anything about them. I'm talking about health insurance premiums.

When was the last time you ran the numbers to see if what you're paying makes sense for your situation?

If you're dealing with major illness and have been in and out of the hospital and are receiving ongoing treatments, by all means, stay with what you have. You're most likely getting WAY more than your money's worth! (Which brings me to a question for a whole other day: why do p...
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HSA Health Plan = Different Way of Practicing Medicine?

Posted by Sharon Nuttall on Friday, January 8, 2010, In : HSAs 
Bill and I (and many of my clients) have an HSA-qualified high deductible health plan. The premiums are wonderfully low, but of course we had to give up a few things to get those low premiums - like office visit and prescription drug copays. We have found it an excellent trade-off. (And, by the way, we do have full coverage for our annual physicals.)

What hadn't occurred to me was how differently doctors tend to practice medicine when there aren't any copays. A key part of this has been that...
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